The Best Analogy for the Holy Trinity

The Best Analogy for the Holy Trinity

Back when I was the (self-proclaimed) pioneer of Catholic meme distribution in Singapore, one of my favorite Catholic memes to share was the one where they explained the concept of the Holy Trinity using a fidget spinner.

Little did I know, that such an explanation for the Holy Trinity is actually heresy.

Likewise, it makes sense that the Shamrock analogy that is often attributed to St. Patrick, is likely to be nothing more than a legend.

You see, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are not 3 individual “pieces of God” that come together to be complete, like 3 pieces of a fidget spinner or the 3 leaves of a Shamrock.

What is the Trinity then?
Well, perhaps the best answer is one that might be just as meme-able as the fidget spinner one, which is simply:
“It is what it is.”

The nature of God simply goes far beyond our mere human understanding of how “parts” work.
Of how anything works, for that matter.

The concept of the Holy Trinity itself cannot be found in the Bible either.

The Trinity, our God being 3-in-1, is one of the many doctrines formally established by Christ’s Church that has been accepted by most Christians up to this very day, such as the date of Christmas, and the Sabbath being changed to Sunday.

Hence, there are Protestants that believe that Jesus is not God, since that is apparently not stated in the Bible either.

Perhaps it might come as a shock to some, but the nature of God cannot be contained in a book or explained to the human mind through one, no matter how infallible or divinely inspired.

So, what is the best analogy for the Holy Trinity?

While there are many analogies, from the 3 states of water to fidget spinners, none of them are able to perfectly explain the nature of God.

The perfect analogy for God simply does not exist.

And that is in fact, a beautiful thing,

In the wise words of St. Augustine,
“Si comprehendis non est Deus”
(If you understand, it is not God)

