A tweet from not so long ago.
The truth is, I barely function as a human being.
The last 2 years have been quite literally, insane.
And that’s without the rona.
My entire life up till a few months ago was entirely focused on the idea that there was no light at the end of the tunnel beyond my 18th birthday.
And now I’m free.
But imagine being trapped in a prison your whole life, only to finally be released into a world where everything you looked forward to was restricted.
And so, even with my newfound freedom, I can’t even do something as simple as go for a meal ALONE at a cafe.
Let alone visit all the nearby tropical islands, or go visit my friends across the world.
Once again, my life is limited to a virtual screen, and my existence to most people remains vaguely beyond mere pixels and the acknowledgement of a soul.
Sometimes, I feel no closer to my closest friends than I feel to Justin Bieber.
And I know those sound like shallow desires. Memento Mori, I remind myself.
But sometimes, I can’t even fulfil my soul’s deepest desires to receive the sacraments.
“But the Christians being persecuted in China and the Middle East…”
Yes. Pray for them.
But we’re not in Communist China.
And guess what? I’m sure if those Christians were in our position, they would FIGHT for what they’ve been deprived of. It is in fact a slap to their faces that we don’t use our freedoms to fight.
I don’t speak as much on politics anymore, but people need to wake the f*** up and stop pandering to this scamdemic.
Maybe you’re happy with your life, but there are a million other people out there who’s lives are bloody MISERABLE.
If I’ve learnt anything lately, it’s that nothing compares to eternal life and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist.
But I can fully embrace that truth, while also acknowledging another.
That this is RIDICULOUS.
I normally put more effort into the structure of my writing, but this is just a regurgitation of my frustrations.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Please pray for me.