November 01, 2022 at 03:21PM

The current state of Protestantism is a mockery to the One Truth, the same way transgender ideology is a mockery to God’s grand design.

If He is the Truth, there cannot be contradicting truths. It is unbiblical for Christians to be divided on the fundamental teachings that many Protestants claim to all agree on.

If you want to make the claim that your Church is the true church, make a catechism and set a solid doctrine, then come defend your stance and your teachings.

Don’t give some subjectivist nonsense that simplifies the complexity of Christianity into 5 bumper sticker slogans, and say that you don’t identify with any denomination like how people don’t identify with any gender, or that as long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you’re saved even if you don’t agree on other moral and theological issues, just like they say “love is love”.

Enough with that relativist “non-denominational” copium.

If you want to say the Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Anglican, or whatever Church is the true Church, present your doctrine, defend it, and declare everyone else anathema. If you don’t and say other Protestants are fine and “saved” too, your doctrine is nonsense and useless, relativist and subjective.

Your Church isn’t biblical just because it endorses Trump.

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