August 26, 2022 at 11:50PM

The Mother of God deserves more recognition that a shoutout at Christmas.

The modern Protestant view on Mary falls apart when they claim that she is indeed blessed among women because “the Bible says so”, but then proceed to NEVER mention her out of fear of seeming “too Catholic”.

Can we seriously think Mary is just an ordinary girl when she says things like “Behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;” (Luke 1:48), and then for the next 2000 years Protestantism doesn’t exist? Meaning that she meant what she said.
Plus, she has no qualms with people calling her the mother of God “And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43)”

Being the MOTHER OF GOD (Theotokos) is enough to justify every Catholic teaching on Mary.
If she is not the Mother of God, and did not reject being called that, there would be something VERY wrong with her.

If Mary isn’t who the early Church says she is, and modern day Protestants are right to give her the pathetic amount of recognition or reverence that they do, then Mary becomes an extremely problematic figure with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Keep in mind that the first Protestant, Martin Luther, still held very Catholic-esque beliefs on Mary, along with the other “reformers”.

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