“Nobody will ever understand me.”

“Nobody will ever understand.”

I often find myself feeling as Jesus is looking in this image.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your situation is uniquely tragic.
I know I’ve definitely been feeling that way.

I often try to practice the habit of remembering that no matter how bad life gets, there will always be someone worse off than me.

Someone who’s pain I will never be able to understand.
The kind of pain that I’ll only be able to look upon in pity.

Is it not incredibly amazing that our God doesn’t look at us that way? Simply looking down on us in pity as he lords over us from heaven?

Of all the gods that have been worshipped by pagans of the past, our God is the One True God who actually knows what it’s like to be mortal.

The One God who understands us.
Because Jesus Christ was fully God and Fully Man.

Whenever we feel like we’re being tempted by Satan himself, and we think that God wouldn’t understand, know that God himself experienced it all.

Whenever we feel misunderstood, hurt, or even “cancelled”, know that God himself was cancelled by crucifixion.

The truth is, nobody will ever understand how you truly feel. And that’s the beauty of being human.
The price that comes with being created unique, as we all try so badly to be.

But Jesus knows exactly how we feel.
He knows exactly how I feel.
And he’s been through worse.

And then you remember.
That’s what it truly means to be Christlike.

